International Islamic University Chittagong
Syllabus for
Center for University Requirement Courses (CENURC)
A. Faculty of Shari‘ah and Islamic Studies [Departments of QSIS, SHIS and DIS]
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
UREL- 1101 |
Elementary English |
02 |
03 |
Or |
Or |
URAL- 1103 for foreign Student |
Elementary Arabic (Expression, |
Composition & Conversation) |
2 |
UREL- 1202 |
Intermediate English |
02 |
03 |
Or |
Or |
URAL- 1204 for foreign Student |
Intermediate Arabic (Literature & |
Text) |
3 |
UREL- 2303 |
Advanced English |
03 |
03 |
Or |
Or |
URAL- 2305 for foreign Student |
Advanced Arabic (Rhetorical |
Sciences “Ilmul Balaghah) |
4 |
URIS- 3608 |
Biography of Prophet (SAAS) |
03 |
03 |
5 |
URIH- 4701 |
A Survey of Islamic History |
01 |
02 |
6 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
02 |
02 |
Total 6 Courses |
13 |
16 |
Course Title: Elementary English |
Course Code: UREL |
Credit Hours: 2 (two) Hours |
Contact Hours: 3 Hours. (Per week) |
Objectives of This Course:
1.This course has been designed with a view to providing the students with the basic knowledge of English language and its grammar.
2.As this is a course meant for the students of Shari‟ah faculty, special care has been taken while designing it keeping the fact in mind that they are to be taught from the elementary level. This will help them to learn English without being afraid of it. This will enhance their confidence level of using English more correctly than before.
Course Outline:
1.Sentence and its kinds(definition of sentence, characteristics, different kinds of sentences with their structures, sentences according to expression and according to structure),
2.Parts of Speech (definition, kinds, finding out different parts of speech from the sentences)
3.Conjugation of Verbs ( different kinds of verb forms and their uses in different sentences)
4.Sentence patterns (formation of sentences using the model structures used in the reading materials)
Section: 1A,1B,2B,5B,7A, 7B
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts Longman House Harlow Essex , UK
2.Picture Description (Students will be taught how to describe short pictures in the class)
Grammar |
1. |
Tenses and their Aspect (Structure, uses, filling the gaps with appropriate |
verbs, using right form of verbs, correction related with tense) |
2. |
Infinitive, Participle, Gerund & Verbal Nouns (Identification from given |
sentences, Uses & Joining sentences with them.) |
Grammar |
3. |
Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech. |
4. |
Use of Preposition. |
3 |
5. Use of Common Conjunction |
6. Capitalization and correcting the spelling errors of the common English |
words |
Reading: Students will have to attempt unseen comprehension to test |
comprehensive ability. They will be taught the following comprehensions so that |
they can be familiar with the type and nature of question for the exam. |
Section: 11A,12B,13B, 16B,17A, 17B, 18B |
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension |
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts |
Longman House Harlow |
Essex, UK |
Writing: |
Personal letter and |
Writing: |
Application to the Head of Institution |
Books Recommended:
1.Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, Foundation Books, 2/19 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New
2.Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar and
3.Thomson & Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1993 (reprinted in India by arrangement with Oxford University Press).
4.Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, New Delhi, BPB Publications,
5.Bruce Rogers, Peterson‟s TOEFL Success, Princeton, New Jersey, Peterson‟s, 2000.
6.AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press,
7.Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced English, Dhaka, Sayma Chowdhury and Halima Chowdhury, 2004
تثداحًناو ءاشَلإاو سٍبعخنا :ةداًنا ىسا |
ثاعاس 3 :ثاسضاحًنا ددع |
)ٌاخعاس( 2 :ةدًخعًنا ثاعاسنا |
:ةداًنا فادهأ
.بٙث سذؾزٌاٚ خ١ثشؼٌا خغٌٍا ٍٝػ خثبزىٌا حسذمِٚ ُ٘شئبّػ ٟف بّػ ش١جؼزٌا ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا حسذمِ خ١ّٕر
. خفٍزخّـٌا حب١ؾٌا فلاِٛ ُئلا٠ بّث خؾ١ظفٌا خ١ثشؼٌا خغٌٍا ف١ظٛر ِٓ ةلاؾٌا ت٠سذر
.ؼعبٌٕا ٟػبّزعلاا يبظرلااٚ ، عبٕللإاٚ ،ذمٌٕاٚ ،حسٚبؾّـٌا ٍٝػ حسذمٌا ةلاطٌا ةبغوإ
.ُٕٙؽٚٚ ُٕٙ٠ذٌ خؼفبٌٕا دلابغٌّا ٞف ب٘سبّضزعاٚ خ٠ش١جؼزٌا ُٙراسذلٚ خ١ثدلأا ةلاطٌا ت٘اِٛ خ١ّٕر
.خللاؽٚ حأشعٚ خمضث ْٚذ٠ش٠ بّػ سذؾزٌا ِٓ ةلاطٌا ٓ١ىّر
.خ١ثشؼٌا خغٌٍبث ُٙفؽاٛػٚ ُ٘شػبشِٚ ُ٘سبىفأ ٓػ ش١جؼزٌا خ١ف١و ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا ت٠سذر
.دبػٛػٌّٛا خغٌبؼِ ٟف بٙؽششٚ صٛظٌٕا غؼث ض١خٍر ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا ذ٠ٛؼر
:ةداًنا ثادسفي ةجزد 30 :مصفنا فصَ زابخخا( :لولأا ءزجنا
.ت١ٌبعلأاٚ عاٛٔلأا ،خ١ّ٘لأا ،ف٠شؼزٌا :ءبشٔلإاٚ ش١جؼزٌا |
ٌٝٚلأا حذؽٌٛا |
.ءاضؼٌا خٌبعسٚ ،ةبزؼٌا خٌبعسٚ ،ساززػلاا خٌبعس :ًئبعشٌا |
.خ١ثشؽٚ ،خ١عب١عٚ ،خ١ٕ٠د ةؾخ : ِٓ طربّٔ :خثبطخٌا |
خ١ٔبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
.خ١ِٛ١ٌا داشوزٌّا |
خضٌبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
)50 :ثاجزدنا :مصفنا تٌاهَ زابخخا( :ًَاثنا ءزجنا |
خ١ِلاعلإا حٛػذٌا خ١ّ٘أ |
خؼثاشٌا حذؽٌٛا |
خ١ّ٘أٚ خ١ئجٌا ، ُٙرب١ٌٛئغِٚ ةلاطٌا دبجعاٚ ، خٕغٌاٚ ْآشمٌا ءٛػ ٟف |
.خ١ِلاعلإا خِلأا ٍٝػ ب٘سبطخأٚ خ١ٔبٍّؼٌا ،َلاعلإا ٟف بٙ١ٍػ ظبفؾٌا |
ب٘سبّص بٙزم١مؽ :خ١ػٛ١شٌا ، خ١ِلاعلإا يٚذٌا ٟف ش١ظٕزٌا دبوشؽ |
خغِبخٌا حذؽٌٛا |
، |
خٕغٌاٚ ْآشمٌا ءٛػ ٟف ٟػبّزعلاا ػلاطلإاٚ ش١١غزٌا ،خض١جخٌا |
.َلاعلإا ْاض١ِ ٟف ةب٘سلإاٚ دبٙغٌا ،َلاعلإا ٟف ءبؼمٌا |
: )َلاعلإا ٟف قٛمؾٌا( َلاعلإا ٟف خ١ٔبغٔلإا ُ١مٌاٚ قلاخلأا - |
خعدبغٌا حذؽٌٛا |
،طبٌٕا خِبػ كؽ ،ْاش١غٌا قٛمؽ |
،ءبثشللأا قٛمؽ ،ٓ٠ذٌاٌٛا قٛمؽ |
خ١ِلاعلإا خؼ٠ششٌا ٟف حأشٌّا قٛمؽ |
،َلاعلإا ٟف دب١ٍللأا قٛمؽ |
. |
:دبصدبؾٌّا |
خؼثبغٌا حذؽٌٛا |
يٛؽ خصدبؾِ ، ٓ١فٍزخِ ٓ٠ذٍث ِٓ ٓ١جٌبؽ ٓ١ث فسبؼزٌا يٛؽ خصدبؾِ |
.خمشٌا سبغئزعا يٛؽ ،ٟجطٌا طلاؼٌا يٛؽ ،خ١عاسذٌا ْٛئشٌا |
يٛؽ ،حشئبطٌبث شفغٌا يٛؽ ،خ١ف١ظٌا حصبعلإا ءبؼل يٛؽ ،ُؼطٌّا ٟف |
خِٕبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
.ًمٌٕا ًئبعٚٚ دلاطاٌّٛا |
زداصًناو عجاسًنا
. َ1995 ، دٛؼع هٌٍّا خؼِبع ،ؼ٠شفٌا ؼٌبط ٓث ْبّضػ .د ،ْاٛػس ٟلٛش ذّؽأ .د _ 1
. حش٘بمٌا ، ءبٕ١ع ٓثا خجزىِ ، ٟثدلأا ءبشٔلإا ، ُ١ٍؼٌا ذجػ ٍٟػ شىث ٛثأ ، ٞذ٠ش٘ محمد ذّؽأ – 2
.َ1997 ،ْبٕجٌ ،طشث دبشس ،ءبشٔلإاٚ ش١جؼزٌا ٌٝإ ذششٌّا ،ٓ٠ذٌا سٛٔ ٓغؽ .د – 3
.َ1996 ،عب٠شٌا ،ْبى١جؼٌا خجزىِ ،ٟثدلأا ش٠شؾزٌا ،محمد ٍٟػ ٓ١غؽ .د – 4
11.ؽ ،ٟثشؼٌا قششٌا ساد ،ءبشٔلإا ش١غ١ر ،ٞٚاذٕ٘ ً١ٍخ _ 5
.خ١ثشؼٌا خلاذظٌا ساد ،ءبشٔلإا خػبٕط ،يبمع حش٠ض٠د _ 6
5.ؽ ،ٟثشؼٌا قششٌا ساد ،ًٙغٌا ءبشٔلإا ،بػس ٍٟػ _ 7
.َ1992 ْبّغػ ،ْآشمٌا ٍَٛػ خغعؤِ ،شغ١ٌّا ٟثشؼٌا ءبشٔلإا ،ٍٟػ ٓ١غؽ ًظ١ف _ 8
.َ 1996 ،ًئبؽ ،ظٌذٔلأا ساد ،ٗؽبّٔأٚ ٗطثاٛػ :ٟثشؼٌا ش٠شؾزٌا ٓف ،ٟطٕشٌا ؼٌبط محمد _ 9
. َ 1993 ، ٟثشؼٌا قششٌا ساد ،ءبشٔلإا ٟف يٚلأا ةبزىٌا ،شفػ ٍٟػ محمد _ 10
.َ 1997 ،ٟثشؼٌا شىفٌا ساد ،ءبشٔلإاٚ ش١جؼزٌا ٓف ٟف داسبِٙ ،ذؽاٌٛا ذجػ طبجػ دّٛؾِ .د – 11
Course Title: Intermediate English |
Course Code: UREL |
Credit Hours: 2 (Two) Hours. |
Contact Hours: 3 (Three) Hours. (Per week) |
Objectives of This Course:
1.This course is designed for the students of Shari„ah Faculty, most of whom have come from Madrasah background. Naturally many of them are afraid of English language and have less confidence in their own ability of using English. This course aims at enhancing their confidence level.
2.By completing this course they will be able to overcome many of their linguistic mistakes. They will be confident enough to pursue further study of English language and thus they will be able to develop their communicative competence.
Course Outline:
1.Active and Passive Voice (Practical use passive structures, change of voice, correction relating voice. Exercises will also include using verbs in correct form using both active and passive structures)
2.Subject & Verb Agreement (Exercises will include use of verbs in correct numbers and choosing correct verbs from two options).
3.Use of modals (Exercises will include use of different modals, correction based on the use of modals, use of „should have done, „may have done‟, „could have done‟ and „must have done‟)
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts Longman House Harlow Essex
1.Completing story.(Guided writing)
2.Summary writing from a given passage.
Grammar: |
1. |
Direct and Indirect Narration (Discussion will focus on the uses of both |
direct and indirect speeches, change of narration of detached sentences) |
2. |
Conditional Sentences and Modal auxiliary and modal + perfectives |
(Discussion will focus on the use of three conditional structures. |
Exercises will include use of right forms of verbs given within the |
bracket or choosing correct form of verb out of two/three options) |
Grammar: |
3. |
Joining sentences (two sentences): participle (present & past), so that, |
too... that, too + adjective + to, because of, in spite of, till, until, unless, |
not only, but also, either or, neither nor, etc. |
4. |
Causative Verbs (Discussions will focus of on the use of causative verbs. |
Exercises will include use of correct forms of verbs after a causative |
verb) |
5. |
Phrases and Idioms |
Reading: Students will have to attempt unseen comprehension to test |
comprehensive ability. They will be taught the following comprehensions so |
that they may be familiar to the type and nature of question for the exam. |
Section: 10A,11B,12C,14B,15B,16A |
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension |
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts |
Longman House Harlow |
Essex |
Writing: |
1. |
Story writing (based on a moral lesson given/some hints |
given/expanding the story from some initial lines given) |
2. |
Amplification of ideas |
7 |
Books Recommended:
1.Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, Foundation Books, 2/19 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New
2.Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar and
3.Thomson & Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1993 (reprinted in India by arrangement with Oxford University Press).
4.Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, New Delhi, BPB Publications,
5.Bruce Rogers, Peterson‟s TOEFL Success, Princeton, New Jersey, Peterson‟s, 2000.
6.AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press,
7.Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced English , Dhaka, Sayma Chowdhury and Halima Chowdhury, 2004
صىصُناو بدلأا :ةداًنا ىسا |
ثاعاس 3 :ثاسضاحًنا ددع |
)ٌاخعاس( 2 :ةدًخعًنا ثاعاسنا |
:ةداًنا فادهأ ُٙف ٍٝػ ُ٘ت٠ سذرٚ ةاشػلإاٚ كطٌٕا ش١ؽ ِٓ خم١ٍع ٟثشؼٌا ضٌٕا حءاشل ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا ت٠سذر
.سبىفلأا ٓػ ش١جؼزٌا ٟف ُٙمئاشؽ
.خ٠ٛؾٌٕاٚ خ١رٛظٌاٚ خ٠ٛغٌٍا حَلاغٌا حبػاشِ غِ بٙظبفٌأ ٟف خٍٙغٌا خ١ثدلأا صٛظٌٕا حءاشل
.اًذ١ع بّٙف صٛظٌٕا ُٙف ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا حسذل حدب٠ص
.بٌٙبّؼزعا خ١ف١و ُّٙ١ٍؼرٚ خ٠ٛغٌٍا دادشفٌّا ِٓ حش١جو حٚشضث ةلاطٌا ذ٠ٚصد
:ةداًنا ثادسفي |
)تــجزد 30 :مصفنا فصَ زابخخا( :لولأا ءزجنا |
ٍٟ٘بغٌا شظؼٌا ِٓ ٖشضٔٚ ٖشؼش ٟثشؼٌا ةدلأا ًضّر حسبزخِ صٛظٔ |
حذؽٌٛا |
:بٌٙإِٛ ٍٝػ ظغٕ٠ ٚ ربزعلأا بٙ٠ززؾ٠ٚ ش٠ذؾٌا شظؼٌا ٌٝإ |
ٌٝٚلأا |
سبؼشأ . ًئاٚ ْبجؾعٚ حذػبع ٓث ظمٌ تطخٌا غؼث |
:ًههاجنا سصعنا |
.خؼ١ثس ٓث ذ١جٌٚ ٍّٝع ٟثأ ٓث ش١٘ضٌ حسبزخِ |
ِٓ داسبزخِ ،ُ٠شىٌا ْآشمٌا ِٓ |
حسبزخِ دب٠آ |
:ًيلاسلإا سصعنا |
خ١ٔبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
ٓ١ؽ حَاعيي شىث ٟثأ َلاو .صلىاللهعليهوسلم يٛعشٌا تطخ غؼثٚ خف٠ششٌا ش٠دبؽلأا |
.)عؽبغٌا شؾث ٓث ٚشّػ ْبّضػ ٟثلأ ٓ١١جزٌاٚ ْب١جٌا( .فٍخزعا |
.ش١٘ص ٓث تؼوٚ ذثبص ٓث ْبغؾٌ حسبزخِ سبؼشأ |
خضٌبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
)تــجزد 50 :مصفنا تٌاهَ زابخخا :ًَاثنا ءزجنا |
ٓث طبغؾٌاٚ ْب١فع ٟثأ ٓث دب٠ضٌ |
تطخٌا غؼث |
:يىيلأا سصعنا |
خؼثاشٌا حذؽٌٛا |
.قدصشفٌاٚ ش٠شغٌ حسبزخِ سبؼشأ .فعٛ٠ |
ذ١ّؾٌا ذجػ خٌبعس .عؽبغٌٍ ءلاخجٌاٚ |
ًخجٌا ٟف ْٚسب٘ ٓث ًٙع خٌبعس |
حذؽٌٛا |
.تربىٌا |
خغِبخٌا |
ٟجٕزٌّا ،خ١٘بزؼٌا ٟثأ ،َبّر ٟثلأ |
حسبزخِ سبؼشأ |
:ًسابعنا سصعنا |
حذؽٌٛا |
.ٞشؼٌّاٚ |
خعدبغٌا |
ٟفبطس ،ُ١٘اشثإ عفبؽ ،ٟلٛشٌ حسبزخِ سبؼشأ |
:ثٌدحنا سصعنا |
خؼثبغٌا حذؽٌٛا |
.دبمؼٌا دّٛؾِ طبجؼٌ "محمد خ٠شمجػ "ةبزو ِٓ ًظف .ْاشطِٚ |
ِٓ ًظف .ٓ١غؽ ٗؽ سٛزوذٌٍ |
" حش١غٌا شِب٘ ٍٝػ" ةبزو ِٓ ًظف |
خِٕبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
"ٍُمٌا ٟؽٚ "ةبزو ِٓ ًظف |
.ٓ١ِأ ذّؽأ سٛزوذٌٍ "َلاعلإا شغف "ةبزو |
.ٟؼفاشٌا قدبط ٟفطظٌّ |
:عجاسًنا ،ةشؼٌا حشّٙع "لاضِ دبػّٛغٌّا غؼجث خٔبؼزعلاا ٓىّ٠ٚ ،حسٛوزٌّا تزىٌا ِٓ داسبزخٌّا خػّٛغِ
.ب٘ش١غٚ ةشؼٌا ًئبعس حشّٙعٚ
Course Title: Advanced English |
Course Code: UREL |
Credit Hours: 3 (three) Hours. |
Contact Hours: 3 (three) Hours. (Per week) |
Objective: This course is designed for the students of Shari„ah Faculty, most of whom have come from Madrasah background. Being the third course of English for the students Shari„ah Faculty, this is more comprehensive. By doing this course they will be able to overcome many of their linguistic mistakes and develop their four skills. They will be confident enough to pursue further study of English language and higher studies abroad. They will as well be able to develop their communicative competence and equip themselves with a capability of competing with the modern world.
2.Use of Appropriate Prepositions.
4.Right use of verb (based on tense, voice, gerund, causative verb, participle, infinitive)
Section: 2C,3C,4C,5C,7C,8C,9C,10C,11C, 13C
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts
Longman House Harlow
2.Applications & personal letters
1.Transformation of Sentences. Sentence type: (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Simple, Complex, Compound).
2.Comparisons: a) Positive b) Comparative c) Superlative.
3.Combining group of Sentences
5.Passage Narration.
6.Correction ( Common mistakes in English)
Section: 14C,15C,16C,17C,18C,19,20
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts
Longman House Harlow
1.Amplification of ideas.
2.Writing newspaper reports as a staff correspondent
3.Framing Sentences expressing different attitudes and emotions.
Books Recommended:
1.Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, Foundation Books, 2/19 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New
2.Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar and
3.Thomson & Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1993 (reprinted in India by arrangement with Oxford University Press).
4.Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, New Delhi, BPB Publications,
5.Bruce Rogers, Peterson‟s TOEFL Success, Princeton, New Jersey, Peterson‟s, 2000.
6.AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press,
7.Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced English, Dhaka, Sayma Chowdhury and Halima Chowdhury, 2004.
تغلابنا ىهع :ةداًنا ىسا |
ثاعاس 3 :ثا سضاحًنا ددع |
ثاعاس 3 :ةدًخعًنا ثاعاسنا |
:ةداًنا فادهأ |
.خغلاجٌا ٍَٛػ حأشٔ ٓػ خط١غث حشىفث ةلاطٌا َبٌّإ |
.خ١ثدلأا ٚأ خ١ٔآشمٌا دبعاسذٌا يبغِ ٟف ٍَٛؼٌا ٖز٘ خعاسد خ١ّ٘أ ٍٝػ ةلاطٌا فٛلٚ |
.حسشمٌّا دبػٛػٌٍّٛ خ٠شظٌٕا ئدبجٌّبث ةلاطٌا خؽبؽإ |
.اًب١غلاث اًبلٚزر صٛظٌٕا قٚزر ٍٝػ حسذمٌاٚ ،ةلاطٌا ٜذٌ ٟغلاجٌا ظؾٌا خ١ثشر
:ةداًنا ثادسفي |
)تــجزد 30 :مصفنا فصَ زابخخا( :لولأا ءزجنا |
عشغٌا .بٌٙبعس ُ٘أث ف٠شؼزٌاٚ خغلاجٌا ٍَٛػ حأشٔ ٓػ خ١خ٠سبر خؾٌّ |
ٌٝٚلأا حذؽٌٛا |
خ١غلاجٌا دبؾٍطظٌّا دلاٌٛذِ ذ٠ذؾر .ٍَٛؼٌا ٖز٘ خعاسد ِٓ |
.ةٍٛعلأاٚ ،خغلاجٌاٚ ،خؽبظفٌا ،خ١عبعلأا |
ُ١غمر .غ٠ذجٌاٚ ،ْب١جٌاٚ ،ٟٔبؼٌّا |
خ١ٔبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
ٝؼزمِ ٍٝػ ٗعٚشخٚ ،ٗثاشػأٚ ،ٗػاشغأٚ ءبشٔإٚ شجخ ٌٝإ َلاىٌا |
12 |
.ٟجٍؽ ش١غٚ ٟجٍؽ ٌٝإ ّٗ١غمرٚ ءبشٔلإا ،ش٘بظٌا
،بِٕٙ ًو ٟٔبؼِ .َبٙفزعلااٚ ،ٌٟٕٙاٚ ،شِلأا :ٟجٍطٌا ءبشٔلإا َبغلأ خضٌبضٌا حذؽٌٛا طٚشخ ،داٚدأ ،ٖبٕؼِ ،ّٟٕزٌا ،ٟم١مؾٌا ٕٝؼٌّا ٓػ بٙعٚشخ خغ١طٚ
عاشغلأ ٞ ّٓزٌا ٟف ًّؼزغر ٜشخأ داٚدأ
)تــجزد 50 :مصفنا تٌاهَ زابخخا( :ًَاثنا ءزجنا
:ٍٝػ ًّزش٠ٚ ٟٔبؼٌّا ٍُػ طسذ٠ |
خؼثاشٌا حذؽٌٛا |
،ظىؼٌاٚ خفظٌا ٍٝػ فٛطٌّٛا شظل ،ٖبفشؽ ،قشؽ ،ٖبٕؼِ ،شظمٌا |
ًو غػاِٛ ،بّ٘بٕؼِ ،ًطٌٛاٚ ًظفٌا |
.ٟفبػإٚ ٟم١مؽ ،ٞٛغٌ ُ١غمرٚ |
.ِٗبغلأٚ صبغ٠لإا .ب٘بٕؼِ ،حاٚبغٌّاٚ ةبٕؽلإاٚ صبغ٠لإا .بِّٕٙ |
.َلاىٌا خغلاث ٟف ٟٔبؼٌّا ٍُػ شصأ |
.بِٙبغلأٚ حا ٚبغٌّا.ٖسٛطٚ ةبٕؽلإا |
حذؽٌٛا |
.ِٗبغلأٚ ْب١جٌا َٛٙفِ ذ٠ذؾر |
خغِبخٌا |
صبغٌّا .صبغٌّاٚ خم١مؾٌا .ٗزغلاثٚ ،ٗػاشغأٚ ،ِٗبغلأٚ ٗٔبوسأٚ ٗ١جشزٌا |
حذؽٌٛا |
،خ١ٕىٌا ،خ١ؾ٠شظزٌا |
خعدبغٌا |
خغلاثٚ خ١ٍ١ضّزٌاٚ خمٍطٌّاٚ حدشغٌّاٚ خؾششٌّاٚ |
.حسبؼزعلاا |
بِٙبغلأٚ خ٠بٕىٌا .ٍٟمؼٌا صبغٌّا .ٗزغلاثٚ ٗربللاػٚ ِٗٛٙفِ ًعشٌّا صبغٌّا |
خؼثبغٌا حذؽٌٛا |
.خجغٔ ٚأ فٛطِٛ ٚأ خفط ٓػ خ٠بٕوٚ |
دبٕغؾٌّا شٙشأ |
.خ٠ٕٛؼِٚ خ١ظفٌ دبٕغؾِ ٌٝإ ّٗ١غمرٚ غ٠ذجٌا َٛٙفِ |
خِٕبضٌا حذؽٌٛا |
قبجطٌا :خ٠ٕٛؼٌّا دبٕغؾٌّا شٙشأ |
.طبجزللاا غغغٌاٚ طبٕغٌا :خ١ظفٌٍا |
ٗجش٠بّث َزٌاٚ ،َزٌا ٗجش٠بّث ػذٌّا ذ١وأر |
.ً١ٍؼزٌا ٓغؽ ،خ٠سٛزٌاٚ خٍثبمٌّاٚ |
.ػذٌّا |
ٓ١ِأ ٝفطظِ ٚ َصبغٌا ًٞػ :خؾػاٌٛا خغلاجٌا :زسقًنا باخكنا |
:عجاسًنا |
،ةشؼٌا حشّٙع "لاضِ دبػّٛغٌّا غؼجث خٔبؼزعلاا ٓىّ٠ٚ ،حسٛوزٌّا تزىٌا ِٓ داسبزخٌّا خػّٛغِ
.ب٘ش١غٚ ةشؼٌا ًئبعس حشّٙعٚ
.ف١ػ ٟلٛش.د :سٛطرٚ ؿسبر خغلاجٌا
.ٟغاشٌّا :خغلاجٌا ٍَٛػ
.ٟٕ٠ٛػ ذِبؽ |
:غػاٌٛا طبٌّٕٙا |
.ُشبٌٙا ذّؽأ ذ١غٌا |
:خغلاجٌا ش٘اٛع |
.ٟٔاصبزفزٌا ٓ٠ذٌا ذؼع |
ٟٔبؼٌّا شظزخِ |
Course Title: Biography of the Prophet (SAAS.) |
Course Code: URIS – 3608 |
Credit Hours: 3 (Three) Hours |
Contact Hours: 3 (Three) Hours (Per week) |
1.To help the students develop an
2.To familiarize the students with the exalted characters, manners, habits and behaviors of our beloved Prophet (SAAS.) in order to emulate it in their practical life.
3.To show that the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS.) is only ideal mentor to follow by the entire humanity.
Course outlines:
Section 01:
Birth and Childhood, Business trip to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib. Teenager, Battle of Fujjar, Hilful Fudul, Shepherdhood.
Youthhood, Contribution of Muhammad (SAAS.) in the business of Khadijah. Marriage of Muhammad (SAAS.) with Khadijah. Rebuilding of
Prophet (SAAS.) at Makkah: (From first revelation to the emigration to Abyssinia):Prophethood, First revelation and its impact.
Propagation of Islam Begins in secret, The early Muslims, End of the First Phase. Islamic Movement becomes public, The Prophet on the Mount of Safa. Oppositions from the Quraysh Begin, Qur‟anic approach towards Quraysh Oppositions.
Migration to Abyssinia,
Section 02: (Final Examination: 50 Marks)
Boycott and Confinement of the Prophet (SAAS.) and Banu Hashim by the Quraish, The Year of sorrow.
Books Recommended:
1.Nadwi, Saiyid Sulaiman, Muhammad The Ideal Prophet: A Historical, Practical, Perfect Model for Humanity. Translated by Mohiuddin Ahmad. Islamic Book Trust K.L.N.D.
2.Abbott, Nabia, Aishah: The Beloved of Mohammad. London:
3.Andrae, Tor, Mohammed: The Man and His Faith. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1936.
4.Armstrong, Karen, Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet. San Francisco, CA:
5.Asad, Muhammad, The Message of the Quran. Gibraltar: Dar
6.Forward, Martin, Muhammad: A Short Biography. Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 1997.
7.Guillaume, Alfred, The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq‟s Sirat Rasul Allah.
London: Oxford University Press, 1955.
8.Kahn, Muhammad Zafrulla, Muhammad, Seal of the Prophets. New York: Viking Press, 981.
9.Lings, Martin, Muhammad: his life based on the earliest sources. New York: Inner Traditions International, 1983.
10.Motzki, Harald, ed., The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of the Sources. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000.
11.Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, Muhammad: Man of God. Chicago, IL: Kazi Publ., 1995.
12.Ramadan, Tariq, In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
13.Robinson, Neal, The Sayings of Muhammad. London: Duckworth, 1991.
14.Rodinson, Maxime, Muhammad. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980 ed.
15.Rubin, Uri, The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early
Muslims. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1995.
16.Rubin, Uri, ed., The Life of Muhammad. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998.
17.Warraq, Ibn, ed., The Quest for the Historical Muhammad. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2000.
18.Watt, William Montgomery, Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1953.
19.Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Medina. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1956.
Watt, William Montgomery, Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Course Title: A Survey of Islamic History. |
Course Code: URIH – 4701 |
Credit Hours: 1 (one) Hour. |
Contact Hours: 2 (two) Hours. (Per week) |
Objectives of this course: |
1.To create awareness among the students about the importance of studying history with special reference to study of Islamic History.
2.This course also aims at making the students acquainted with the glorious contribution of the Pious Caliphs and their successors towards the development of just administration, advancement of civilization and education and their great services towards humanity at large.
Course outlines:
Section 01:
Introduction to the History: Definition of History and Islamic History, |
Historiography, Kinds of History, importance of history, sources of Islamic |
History, study of Islamic history in Bangladesh. |
Khilafah: Definition, Origin and Development of Khilafah, Difference between |
Khilafah in general sense and Khilafah |
office of the Khilafah, Khilafah vs. Mulukiyyat, End of Khilafah. |
Introduction to the Pious Caliphs (632 A.D – 661 A.D): Character and |
achievements of the Pious Caliphs. An overall portrayal of Pious Caliphs. |
Administration under the Pious Caliphs, The Shura, Civil Administration, |
16 |
Sources of Revenue,
Section 02: (Final Examination: 50 Marks)
Conquest and expansion of Islamic empire under Walid bin Abdul Malik, Umar bin Abdul Aziz and his Administration Policies,
Books Recommended:
1.Hitti, 1. P.K., History of the Arabs, Macmillan edition, 1970, London.
2.Hussaini, S.A.Q., The Arab Administration, 1956, Lahore.
3.Ali, Syeed Ameer, A Short History of Saracens, Macmillan edition, 1916, London.
4.Arnold, T.I., The Caliphate, Oxford, 1924, London.
5.Ali, Muhammad, The Early Caliphate, Cambridge, 1936, London.
6.Muir, W., Caliphate, Its Rise, Decline and fall, Edinburg, 1934.
7.Lewis, B, & P.M. Holt (ed.), Cambridge History of Islam, 1947.
8.Ali, Syeed Ameer, The Spirit of Islam, Christophers, 1891, London.
9.Arnold, Thomas, The Legacy of Islam, Oxford, 1931, London.
10.Hell, Joseph, The Arab Civilization, W. Heffer & sons, limited, 1926, London.
11.Gibb, Hamilton A.R., Studies on the Civilization of Islam, Princeton, 1982, London.
12.Levy, R., The Social Structure of Islam, Cambridge 1979, London.
13.Nicholson, R.A., A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge 1930, London.
14.Shushtery, A.M.A., Outline of the Islamic Culture, The Bangalore Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Bangalore, 1954, India.
15.Imamuddin, S.M., Arab Muslim Administration, 1976, Karachi.
16.Encyclopedia of Islam.
17.Baksh, S. Khuda, Islamic Civilization vol
18.Sherwani, H.K., Studies in Muslim Political Thought and Administration, Muhammad Ashraf, 1945, Lahore.
19.Shabon, M.A., The Abbasid Revolution, Cambridge, 1970, London.
20.Shabon, M.A., Islamic History; A New Interpretation, 1971, London.
21.Turner, R.H., Science in Medieval Islam: An Illustrated Introduction. 1995, Austin: University of Texas Press.
22.Iqbal, M., The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. 1986, Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore.
23.Roy, M.N., The Historical Role of Islam, Ajanta Publications, 1981, Delhi.
24.Ansari, Musa, Moddhojuger Muslim Sovvota o Sonskriti, Bangla Academy, 1999, Dhaka.
25.Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 2004, Dhaka.
26.Savory, R.M., Introduction to Islamic Civilization, Cambridge University Press, 1977, London.
27.Rosenthal, Franz, A History of Muslim Historiography, Leiden, 1952.
28.Cobb, S., Islamic Contributions to Civilization, Avalon Press, Washington, 1963.
29.Sardar, Ziauddin, Science, Technology and development in the Muslim World, Croom Helm, 1977, London.
30.Ali, M. Akbor, Bigghane Musalmander Obodan (Muslim Contribution to science) Volume
Course Title: Bangladesh Studies. |
Course Code: URBS – 4802. |
Credit Hours: 2 (two) Hours. |
Contact Hours: 2 (two) Hours. (Per week) |
Objectives of This Course:
1.To create awareness among the students about the History, Geography, Economics, Sociology, Politics, Language, Literature, Philosophy, Art and Culture of Bangladesh and such other subject as are significantly related to the life and society of Bangladesh with a view to develop patriotism among the learners.
Section- A:
Section- B: (Final Examination: 50 Marks)
policy towards economy and education of the people. A brief discussion of the struggle for freedom from the British Colonialism, Intellectual Movements, development of Bengali Prose Literature, new trend of nationalism and the creation of Pakistan.
1.Islam, Sirajul, (ed.), Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, Vol-
2.Er Rashid, Harun, Geography of Bangladesh, University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1991.
3.Ali, Mohar, History of the Muslims of Bengal. Vol –
4.Karim, Abdul, Social History of the Muslims of Bengal, Baitush Sharaf Islamic Research Institute, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 1985.
5.Huq, Dr. Enamul, A History of Sufism in Bengal, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 1975.
6.Board of Researchers, Islam in Bangladesh through Ages, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 1995.
7.Ahmed, Sufia, Muslim Community in Bengal
8.Rahim, M.A, The Muslim Society and Politics in Bengal, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1978.
9.Khan, Dr. Muinuddin Ahmed, Islamic Revivalism, Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), 2010.
10.Khan, Dr. Muinuddin Ahmed, Muslim Struggle for freedom in Bengal, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 1983.
11.Huq, Dr. Muhammad Inamul, Varoter Musalman O Shwadinota Andolan, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 1995.
12.Mallick, Azizur Rahman, British Policy and the Muslims in Bengal, Asiatic Society of Pakistan, Dhaka, 1961.
13.Rahim, Dr. M.A. and others, Bangladesher Itihash, Nowroz Kitabistan, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1994.
14.Khan, Abbas Ali, Banglar Musalmander Itihash, Bangladesh Islamic Center, Dhaka, 2002.
15.Islam, Sirajul, History of Bangladesh, Vol –
16.Asad,Abul, Eksho bochorer Itihas, Bangladesh
17.Barnik, M.A., Rasthra Bhasha Andoloner Itihas, AHDPH.
18.Ahad, Oli, Jatiyo Rajniti
19.Ahmad, Abul Mansur, Amar Dekha Rajniteer Poncash Bochor, Srijon Prokashoni Ltd. Dhaka, 1988.
20.Ahmed, Kamruddin, Social History of East Pakistan, Dacca, Crescent Book Center, 1967.
21.Salik, Siddiq, Witness to Surrender, The University Press Ltd., 1997.
22.Ahmed, Moudud, Bangladesh: Constitutional Quest for Autonomy, The University Press Ltd., 2003.
23.Khan, Akbar Ali, Discovery of Bangladesh, The University Press Ltd., 2009.
24.Maniruzzaman, Talukdar, Bangladesh Revolution and its Aftermath, University Press Ltd., 1992.
25.Khan, Shamsul I., Political Culture, Political Parties and the Democratic Transition in Bangladesh, The University Press Ltd., 2008.
26.The Constitution of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh.
27.Halim, Md. Abdul, Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka, 1998.
Useful web links:
B. Faculty of Science & and Engineering [Departments of CSE, ETE, EEE, Pharmacy (Hons.)]
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
URFL- 1101 |
Foreign Language- 01 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URQS- 1101 |
Qur‟an Studies in Texts & Translation |
2 |
Advanced English |
01 |
03 |
3 |
Islamic „Aqidah |
01 |
01 |
4 |
Introduction to „Ibadah |
01 |
01 |
5 |
Introduction to Qur‟an and Sunnah |
01 |
02 |
6 |
Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
01 |
01 |
20 |
7 |
URIS- 3607 |
Biography of the Prophet (SAAS)) |
01 |
01 |
8 |
URIH- 4701 |
History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution |
01 |
01 |
to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.) |
9 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
01 |
02 |
Total 10 Courses |
09 |
14 |
C. Faculty of Business Studies [Department of Business Administration (Hons.)]
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
URFL- 1101 |
Foreign Language- 01 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URQS- 1101 |
Qur‟an Studies in Texts & Translation |
2 |
URFL- 1202 |
Foreign Language- 02 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URHS- 1202 |
Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation |
3 |
Advanced English |
02 |
03 |
4 |
Islamic „Aqidah |
01 |
01 |
5 |
Introduction to „Ibadah |
01 |
01 |
6 |
Introduction to Qur‟an and Sunnah |
01 |
02 |
21 |
7 |
Dealings and Behavior in Islam |
01 |
01 |
8 |
Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
01 |
01 |
9 |
URIS- 3607 |
Biography of the Prophet (SAAS)) |
01 |
01 |
10 |
URIH- 4701 |
History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution |
01 |
01 |
to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.) |
11 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
02 |
02 |
Total 10 Courses |
13 |
17 |
D. Faculty of Social Science [Department of Economics and Banking (Hons.)]
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
URFL- 1101 |
Foreign Language- 01 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URQS- 1101 |
Qur‟an Studies in Texts & Translation |
2 |
URFL- 1202 |
Foreign Language- 02 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URHS- 1202 |
Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation |
3 |
Advanced English |
02 |
03 |
4 |
Islamic „Aqidah |
01 |
01 |
5 |
Introduction to „Ibadah |
01 |
01 |
6 |
Introduction to Qur‟an and Sunnah |
01 |
02 |
7 |
Dealings and Behavior in Islam |
01 |
01 |
22 |
8 |
Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
01 |
01 |
9 |
URIS- 3607 |
Biography of the Prophet (SAAS)) |
01 |
01 |
10 |
URIH- 4701 |
History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution |
01 |
01 |
to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.) |
11 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
02 |
02 |
Total 10 Courses |
13 |
17 |
E. Faculty of Arts and Humanities [Department of ELL]
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
URFL- 1101 |
Foreign Language- 01 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URQS- 1101 |
Qur‟an Studies in Texts & Translation |
2 |
URFL- 1202 |
Foreign Language- 02 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URHS- 1202 |
Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation |
3 |
Islamic „Aqidah |
01 |
01 |
4 |
Introduction to „Ibadah |
01 |
01 |
5 |
Introduction to Qur‟an and Sunnah |
01 |
02 |
6 |
Islamic Worldview |
02 |
02 |
7 |
Dealings and Behavior in Islam |
01 |
01 |
23 |
8 |
Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
01 |
01 |
9 |
URIS- 3607 |
Biography of the Prophet (SAAS). |
01 |
01 |
10 |
URIH- 4701 |
History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution |
01 |
01 |
to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.) |
11 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
02 |
02 |
Total 10 Courses |
13 |
16 |
F. Faculty of Law [Department of Law (Hons.)
SL |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Contact |
No. |
Hour |
Hour |
1 |
URFL- 1101 |
Foreign Language- 01 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URQS- 1101 |
Qur‟an Studies in Texts & Translation |
2 |
URFL- 1202 |
Foreign Language- 02 |
01 |
02 |
Or |
Or |
URHS- 1202 |
Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation |
3 |
Advanced English |
02 |
03 |
4 |
Islamic „Aqidah |
01 |
01 |
5 |
Introduction to „Ibadah |
01 |
01 |
6 |
Introduction to Qur‟an and Sunnah |
01 |
02 |
7 |
Dealings and Behavior in Islam |
01 |
01 |
24 |
8 |
Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
01 |
01 |
9 |
URIS- 3607 |
Biography of the Prophet (SAAS)) |
01 |
01 |
10 |
URIH- 4701 |
History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution |
01 |
01 |
to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.) |
11 |
URBS- 4802 |
Bangladesh Studies |
02 |
02 |
Total 10 Courses |
13 |
17 |
Course Title: Foreign Language- 01 |
Course Code: |
Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour |
Contact Hours: 02 (Three) Hours (per week) |
Objectives of the Course
This course has been provided to the student for basic knowledge of Arabic scripts. How to write scripts in Arabic word and Arabic writing. It also aims to provide about at least 500 normal using words to the students make in order to sentence construction by using which they can be able to communicate with others orally in various situation.
Generally, there are two main areas of concentration:
Firstly, the course aims at helping the student to acquire the level of proficiency that will enable them understand the texts and contents of
Secondly, to enable the student acquire the skills of understanding the Arabic lecture. Talking notes and proficiency in writing answer script in Arabic language, and using the original sources written in the Arabic language and with the course to help the students acquire proficiency with competence on communication in Arabic which is widely used within Muslim Ummah particularly.
Importance of Arabic Language for understanding of the Holy Qur`an and its requirement & status in job market as an International Language.
a)Introduction to the course outline and its objectives, Arabic Alphabet &
the forms of each letter, Pronunciation of the letters against Bengali & |
English letters. Introduction to making words( تًهكنا مٍكشح) with various |
Arabic letters & its Practice and Oral Practice of Arabic words by the |
students and Introduction to Arabic writing (تٍبسعنا ثاًهكنا تباخك). |
Chapter |
a) |
Introduction to the names of reference (ةزاشإ ىسا – كنذ / اره ) and making |
sentences with various Arabic words & its oral Practice. |
b) |
Introduction to the question letters ( |
ٍي / اذاي/ |
making sentences using these & its practice. |
c) |
Introduction to the sun letters and the moon letters, ( تٍسًشنا فوسحنا |
تٌسًقناو) visible elements of pronunciation & its oral Practice. |
d) |
Introduction to the Nominal Sentences ( تًٍسلإا تهًجنا) and making |
sentence by using Debutante and News (سبخ /أدخبي) & its oral Practice by |
the students. |
Chapter |
a) |
Introduction to some pronoun ( مصفُي سًٍض) and making sentence with |
the pronoun like (اَأ/جَأ/ًه/ىه) |
b) |
Introduction to some preposition ( شغٌا فٚشؽ) and making sentence |
using the preposition like (ىهع/ًف |
ٌٝإ/ ِٓ/) .Introduction to the |
Possessive case (تفاضلإا) and making sentence using the Possessive case |
& its Practice. |
Chapter |
Introduction to the names of reference ( |
with them & its Practice. Introduction to Adjective and making sentence with |
the various adjectives. Introduction to the Connected Names (لىصىًنا ىسا) and |
make sentences using the (ٟزٌا/ٞزٌا) & its Practice. |
Chapter |
a) |
Introduction to the pronoun (مصخي سًٍض ) (Male) and making sentences |
with using the pronoun like (بٔ/ٞ/ن/ ٖ) & its Practice. Introduction to the |
pronoun (Female |
مصخي سًٍض) and |
making sentences with using the |
pronoun like (ن/ب٘) & its Practice. |
b) |
Introduction to |
actual sentences |
( |
sentences with using different verbs. |
Chapter |
a) |
Introduction to the Plurals (سكري عًج) and making sentences with using |
various plural words & its Practice. Conversion of the singulars to the |
Plurals & its Practice. Introduction to the Plurals (ثَؤي عًج) and making |
sentences with using the various plural words & its Practice. |
b) |
Conversion of the singulars to the Plurals & its Practice. Review of |
previous classes. |
Chapter |
Introduction to the Plural Verb |
26 |
various plural Verbs & its Practice. Conversion of the singulars to the Plurals & its Practice. Review of previous classes.
Course Title: Qur‟an Studies in Texts & |
Course Code: URQS |
Translation |
Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour |
Contact Hours: 02 (Two) Hours (per week) |
Outlines of the course:
Section (A)
Chapter |
1. An Introduction to the Holy Qur‟an. (1 lecture). |
2. The introductory chapter of the Qur‟an (Suratul Fatihah). (1 lecture). |
3. Iman, Islam & „Amal |
3: a. Selected Text on Iman: 2: |
(Additional references: 2: 285, 18: 107- 110, 23: |
3: b. Selected Text on Islam: |
(Additional references: 3: 85, 5: 3, 6: 175). |
3: c. Selected Text on „Amal al- Saleh 4:103(1lecture). |
(Additional references: 4: 124, 17: 9, 18: 107 |
Chapter |
1. Fundamental of Islamic Belief (Tawheed, Risalah & Akhirah) (3 lectures). |
a. Selected Text on Tawheed: 112 (1lecture). |
(Additional references: 2: 163, 3: 4 23:91). |
b. Selected Text on Risalah: 4:163(1lecture). |
(Additional references: 3:84, 7: 158, 61:6). |
c. Selected Text on Akhirah: 27: |
27 |
(Additional references: 2: 4, 3:145, 23: 74)
a. Selected Text on Salah =
b. Selected Text on Zakah
c.Selected Text on Sawom: 2:
d.Selected Text on Hajj: 3: 96- 97 (1 lecture). (Additional references: 2: 196- 197).
Total = 12 lectures before mid- term Exam.
Section (B) (Final Examination: 50 marks):
Total lectures 8x2= 16 (One lecture on every topic, 8 weeks).
Selected Texts
2.Selected Text on creation of mankind and its vicegerency on the earth: 38:71. (Additional references:
3.Selected Text on subjugation of all that are in the universe for the mankind. 16:
2.Selected Text on objectives of human life = 6: 162, 51:56. (Additional references: 67:2)
3.Selected Text on obligations of calling to the way of Allah.= 16: 125 (Additional references: 3: 104, 110, 41:33(
2.Selected Text on duties and obligations towards Allah‟s Messenger =
3.Selected Text on duties and obligations towards the parents=
2.Selected Text on duties and obligations towards relatives. 17:26, 16:90. (Additional references:4: 8, 30:38)
3.Selected Text on shirk and its consequences= 4:48, 5:72 (Additional references: 4:116, 31: 13, 22: 31).
2.Selected Text on Nifaq and its consequences= 9:67, 68 (Additional references: 4:
3.Selected Text on characteristics of ideal Servants of Allah („Ibadur
Rahman) as depicted in the Qur‟an= 25:
4.Selected Text on the components of loss and destruction for the mankind and how to get rid of the loss : Suratul „Asr
Course Title: Foreign Language- 02 |
Course Code: |
Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour |
Contact Hours: 02 (Two) Hours (per week) |
Objectives of the Course: Intermediate Arabic course is designed for 2nd semester students of all faculties other than Shariah. The Arabic language course is offered by the university to orient the students with the language of the holy Qur‟an and Sunnah and let them be enlightened with the guidance of Islam. It will make them eligible to
Course out line in details: URAL – 1202 course has been provided for those who have become familiar with Arabic alphabet along with the basic words and foundations of it. Any language course should go through listening, speaking, reading and writing. In order to fulfill this demand Intermediate Arabic course prescribes the following contents:
Section (A)
Text: conversation (ساٛؾٌا) Reading & writing
Discussion on ْإِ, ًؼٌ, ٚر, Questions
Word meaning, making sentence
Text: conversation (ساٛؾٌا) Reading & writing
Discussion on ظ١ٌ,Questions, Word meaning
Discussion on Degree of Comparison – ً١ؼفزٌا ُعاQuestions
Discussion on Intransitive Verb (past) - َصلاٌا ًؼفٌاا Questions
Text: conversation ,Reading & writing
Change of
6(six) weeks, number of classes 18(eighteen)
Change of verb, Questions,
Text: conversation ,Reading & writing,
Discussion on exclamatory verb تغؼزٌا ًؼف, plural of noun and its kinds, Questions, Word meaning
Negative verb, sign of future, Root of verb, Questions, Word meaning
name of days, Word meaning
Signs of present tense, Word meaning,
Kinds of tenses
Word meaning, making sentence
Text: conversation ,Reading & writing, Questions
8(eight) weeks,
1.Abdur Rahim Dr. F, بٙث ٓ١مؽبٌٕا ش١غٌ خ١ثشؼٌا طٚسذٌا Durusul lugatil Arabia li gairinnatiqeena biha (Lessons of Arabic Language for the non speakers).
2.Al- Arabia
Course Title: Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation |
Course Code: URHS |
Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour |
Contact Hours: 02 (Two) Hours (per week) |
Objective of the course:
To get the students acquainted with the prophetic Hadith and its importance.
To bring the students in direct contact with the prophetic Hadiths.
To help the students in getting guidelines from the prophetic Hadiths.
To highlight before the students the meanings and message of the sayings of the Prophet (SAAS.) in some basic issues of their life.
Encouraging the students to follow the teachings of the prophet (SAAS.) in every walk of their life.
To create an interest among the students in studying the prophetic Hadiths regularly which can help them lead an ideal Islamic life.
Outcome of the course:
After studying this course the following result is expected to be attained: 31
This course will make the student informed about the nature, scope and importance of the prophetic Hadith.
This course will enlighten the students through providing them with basic knowledge of the prophetic Hadiths.
This course will make the students guided by the teachings and message of the Prophetic Tradition (Hadith).
It will create special love and affection to the Prophet (SAAS.) which is the basic requirement for being a Muslim in true sense.
This course will help the students to further their studies in the Prophetic tradition as part of their daily life.
This course will help them in attaining the success in this life and salvation in the Hereafter.
This course will create an atmosphere to enlighten the mental faculty of the students with the wisdom of the prophetic Tradition (Hadith).
The course will pave the way for the students for following the commandment of the Prophet (SAAS.), abstaining from those disliked by him and to make decision in different issues based on knowledge and confidence.
Outlines of the course:
This course will consist of 31 sayings of the Prophet (SAAS.) on different important issues related to different aspects of the life of every Muslim.
The teacher shall project a Hadith of the Prophet (SAAS.) through Over Head Projector (OHP) along with its English translation. One or two students who can read the text in Arabic shall be asked to read it correctly, if he commits any mistake the teacher shall make necessary correction of the mistake, them the teacher shall translate it into English in two stages: Firstly word for word translation and secondly translation of the text as a whole. Explain the important words literally and terminologically as well where needed. Shall ask the students to repeat the meaning of the words and explanation thereof.
Finally, the teacher shall highlight the lesson of this particular Hadith and discuss how to implement its teachings in our daily life.
Section (A)
a) |
Rewards for good deeds depends on sincerity of intention |
b) |
Intention for a good deed deserves one for reward however |
intention for bad deed does not lead to punishment. |
32 |
a) Five pillars of Islam |
b) Prime importance of Salat (Prayer) and Sawm (Fasting) |
c) Salat is the first thing about which a person will be accountable in |
the Day of Resurrection |
a) The beauty of Muslim‟s true Islam. |
b) Like for your Brother which you like for you. |
c) Speaking good, honoring the neighbors and the guests. |
d) To control one‟s temperament. |
e) Importance of cleanliness and some other important characters. |
Section (B) |
a) |
Relation between the Muslims and their expected behavior |
b) Total abstinence from harmful activities |
[H/1 – L/1] |
[H/1 – L/1] |
L/1] |
mistake, out of forgetfulness or under compulsion [H/1 – L/1] |
requirement of religion [H/1 – L/1] |
L/1] |
33 |
Course Title: Advanced English |
Course Code: UREL |
Credit Hours: 2 (two) Hours. |
Contact Hours: 3 (three) Hours. (Per week) |
∙To prepare the students for the forthcoming courses, which will be conducted using English as medium of instruction.
∙To enrich students‟ vocabulary so that they can be able to overcome their difficulties in comprehending the text books which are written in English.
∙To make the students confident enough in their use of English by enriching their knowledge of English grammar.
Total Marks: 100
Section: A (Midterm Exam:
Chapter |
Grammar: |
1. |
Tenses & their Aspects. (Use of verbs to be, to have and to do, use and |
structure of tenses with oral and written exercises which include dialogue, |
paragraph writing, filling up the gaps, using verbs in correct forms and tense |
based corrections) |
2. |
Subject & Verb Agreement (Exercises will include use of verbs in correct |
numbers and choosing correct verbs out of two options) |
3. |
Use of Pronoun (Exercises will focus on identification and use of different |
34 |
types of pronouns, joining sentences with relative pronouns and other important uses of pronoun)
4.Transformation of Sentences, (Sentence types: affirmative, negative, interrogative, exclamatory, simple, complex, compound, positive, comparative & superlative)
5.Modal auxiliary and modal + perfectives (Exercises will include use of different modals, correction based on the use of modals, use of „should have done, „may have done‟, „could have done‟ and „must have done‟)
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts
Longman House Harlow
∙Paragraph (guided and free)
∙Story writing (Stories based on some moral lesson/completing a story from some initial lines given/expanding a story on the basis some hints given)
Section: B Final Examination
Chapter |
Grammar: |
1. |
Conditional Sentences (Discussion will focus on the use of three |
conditional structures. Exercises will include use of right forms of |
verbs given within the bracket or choosing correct form of verb out |
of two/three options) |
2. |
Active and Passive Voice (Practical use passive structures, change |
of voice, correction relating voice, Exercises will also include |
using verbs in correct form given in sentences using both active |
and passive structures) |
Chapter |
3. |
Direct and Indirect Narration (Discussion will focus on the uses of |
both direct and indirect speeches, change of narration of detached |
sentences) |
4. |
Use of Preposition, Completing Sentences and Gap filling with |
Preposition and Conjunction |
Chapter - 6 |
5. |
Causative Verbs (Discussions will focus of on the use of causative |
verbs. Exercises will include use of correct forms of verbs after a |
causative verb) |
6. |
Participle and Gerund (Discussion will focus on the uses of gerund |
and participle, joining sentences using present participle form of a |
verb. Exercises will include identifying participle and gerund from |
the given sentences, joining sentences with present participle) |
7. |
Common Mistakes in English |
Chapter |
Reading: Students will have to attempt unseen comprehension to test |
comprehensive ability. They will be taught some passages from the |
following book so that they can be familiar with the type and nature of |
question for the exam. |
Text Book: Exercises in Reading Comprehension |
Edited by: E.L. Tibbitts |
35 |
Longman House Harlow |
Essex |
Chapter |
Writing: |
1. |
Write newspaper reports as staff correspondent of a newspaper. |
2. |
Personal and official letter or |
3. |
Amplification of ideas |
Books Recommended:
1.Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, Foundation Books, 2/19 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New
2.Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar and
3.Thomson & Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1993 (reprinted in India by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Oxford)
4.Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, New Delhi, BPB Publications,
5.Bruce Rogers, Peterson‟s TOEFL Success, Princeton, New Jersey, Peterson‟s, 2000
6.AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press,
7.Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced English, Dhaka, Sayma Chowdhury and Halima Chowdhury, 2004.
================ |
Course Title: Islamic „Aqidah |
Course Code: URIS – 1101 |
Credit Hour: 01 C.H. |
Contact Hour: 01 C.H. (per week) |
Objectives: |
This course is designed
1.To provide the students with proper knowledge about the Islamic way of life.
2.To make them aware of the existing religious misconceptions & traditional superstitions contradicting with the basic faith & tenants of Islam.
3.To give them a clear concept about the
Course Outline:
Chapter- 1 |
Islam: an Introduction: |
a. |
Importance of Islamic „Aqidah and the relation between Iman and |
Islam. |
b. |
Historical Background of Islam. |
c. |
Islam as a Complete Code of Life. |
Chapter- 2 |
Belief in The Articles of Faith: |
a. |
The Unity of Allah (Tawheed) |
b. |
Belief in the Attributes of Allah |
c. |
Impact of Tawheed on human life. |
36 |
Chapter- 3 The Shirk and its Consequences.
a.Different types of Shirk
b.Divine Unity in Practice.
c.Nifaq: Its meaning, Signs and Consequences.
Chapter- 4 |
Belief in Allah’s Angels (Malaikah): |
a. |
Angels - their Nature and Functions. |
b. |
Virtues of belief in Angels. |
c. |
Can they assume any Human Form? |
Chapter- 5 |
Belief in the Books of Allah: |
a. |
Are all Scriptures remaining presently in their Original Form? |
b. |
The Qur‟an: The last and unchanged Divine Book. |
c. |
The position of Qur‟an amongst other Revealed Books. |
Chapter- 6 |
Belief in Allah’s Prophets: |
a. |
Believing in all the Prophets is equally essential for being a Muslim. |
b. |
Contributions of the Prophets towards the Humanity. |
c. |
Muhammad (SAAS), the Greatest, the Best and the Last among all |
the Prophets. |
Chapter- 7 |
Belief in the Life After Death: |
a. |
The logic behind believing in the Life after Death. |
b. |
Impact of Belief in the Life after Death on Human Life. |
c. |
Inevitability of Akhirah and its Stages. |
Chapter- 8 |
Belief in Qadr (Fate) and divine decree: |
a. |
Man‟s Freedom of Will. |
b. |
Fate: No excuse for Sinners. |
c. |
Evil: Not attributable to Allah. |
2.Rafique Dr. Abu Bakr, Islam The Ultimate Religion (Book one) Islamic „Aqidah‟,
Chittagong: ABC Publications, 2002.
3.Sabiq, Assayed,
4.Farid, Ahmed, An Encounter with Islam, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Baitul Mukarram, Dhaka, 1995.
5.Abdalati, Hammuda, Islam in Focus, Islamic Teaching course. Vol. 1
6.Badawi, Dr. Jamal, Islamic Teachings vol. 1
Course Title: Introduction to „Ibadah |
Course Code: |
Credit Hour: 01 (One) C.H. |
Contact Hour: 01 (One) C.H. (per week) |
This course deals about the pillars of Islam. It tries to present Islam as a complete and comprehensive code of conduct for all human being from the Islamic and rational point of view. The course offers the Students a clear understanding of the fundamental belief of Islam. It also presents the impact of belief on human life.
Section: A
Chapters |
Topics |
'Ibadah: Its introduction: (a) Meaning of „Ibadah (b) concept and significance of |
„Ibadah (c) Scope of „Ibadah (d) The best „Ibadah (e) Objectives of „Ibadah. (f) |
Conditions of „Ibadah. |
Characteristics of ‘Ibadah in Islam: (a) Free from Intermediaries (b) Not being |
38 |
Section: B (Final Examination: 50 marks)
Chapters Topics
Salah (Prayer): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b)
Importance (c) Impact (d)
Pillalrs of Salah (f)
Zakah (poor due) : Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: |
a) Definition (b) Importance (c) Impact/benefits (d) kinds of property on which Zakah |
is obligatory (e) Who should give Zakah (f) Due recipients of Zakah (g) Zakah as a |
means to elevate poverty from society. |
Sawm (Fasting): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b) |
Importance (c) Impact (d) |
must fast? (f) Exemption from fasting (g) Recompense of mistake. |
Hajj (pilgrimage): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b) |
Importance (c) Impact (d) How to perform Hajj in detail? |
Jihad: Definition, significance (misconception), importance, classification from |
various aspects. |
1.Mahmudul Hasan, Dr. Syed, ISLAM, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Baitul Mukarran, Dhaka, 1980
2.Abdalati, Hammudah, Islam in Focus, The Dept. of Islamic Affairs, The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Qatar, 1995/ Islamic Teaching Course.
4.Didat, Dr. Ahmad, Concept of Ibadah in Islam, Transmitted by Ali Usman,
5.Alkhuli, Muhammad Ali, The Light of Islam, E 4, Riyad: Al Farazdak Press, 1983.
6.Journal, „A Study of the Qur‟an and its teaching, Published by: IQRA International Education Foundation, Chicago, 1999
7.Zarqa, Mustafa Ahmed, Translated by Dr. Zafr Ishaq Ansary, The Islamic Concept of Worship („Ibadah), (Printed Copy)
8.Islamic Education, IQRAA CHARITABLE SOCIETY, Jeddah- Saudi Arabia Book
9.Sarwar, Ghulam, Islam: Beliefs and Teachings, London: The Muslim Educational Trust, 1980.
Course Title: Introduction to Qur‟an & Sunnah |
Course Code: |
Credit Hour: 01 (One) C.H. |
Contact Hour: 02 (two) C.H. (per week) |
The main objectives of this course are as follows:
1.To make the students familiar with the Qur‟an & Sunnah as they are the main sources of Islamic Shari„ah.
2.To achieve the main goal of the University in Islamization of Knowledge through enlightening the students with revealed knowledge of the Qur‟an and Sunnah.
Course Outline:
a) Introduction to Qur’an: |
1. |
Definition of the Qur’an Literally and Terminologically. |
2. |
The various Names of the Qur’an. |
3. |
Wahy (Revelation) of the Holy Qur’an: |
40 |
The concept of Wahy, the Meaning of Wahy, the Procedure of Wahy, the Revelation of the Qur`an to the Angels, the Revelation of the Qur`an to the Prophet from Jibreel, Gradual Revelation: The Stages of Revelation, The wisdom behind the Gradual Revelation. The First and The Last Revelation.
2.Central Subject Matter & the Main Themes of the Holy Qur’an.
3.The necessity of the Holy Qur’an.
2.The Surahs of The Quran: Definition of Surah, The Arrangement of Surahs, The classification of Surahs.
The Definition of Makki and Madani, The Characteristics of Makki and Madani Revelations, The benefits of knowing Makki and Madani.
Preservation & Compilation of the Holy Qur’an.
The Miraculous Nature of The Qur’an (I‘jaz
1.Sunnah: Its definition & the difference between Sunnah & Hadith.
2.The importance of Sunnah in Islamic Shari„ah.
3.Explanation of some important terms of Sunnah.
4.The authority of Sunnah in Islam.
5.Collection & Compilation of Sunnah.
6.Method of distinguishing a genuine Sahih Hadith from a spurious Da„if
Hadith .
a)The science of Dirayah.
b)The science of Riwayah.
c)According to the reference to a particular authority. 41
d)According to the links in the Isnad.
e)According to the number of narrators involved in each stage of the Isnad.
f)According to the number of narrators by which the Hadith is reported.
g)According to the reliability and memory of the narrator.
1.Denffer, Ahmad, vol. „Ulum
2.Ushama, Dr. Thameem, Sciences of the Qur‟an: An Analytical Study, International Islamic University Malaysia, Cooperative Limited, Kuala Lumpur. 1998.
3.Bucaille, Dr. Maurice, The Bible The Qur‟an & Science, Thinkers Library, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Malaysia, 1996.
5.Hasan, Dr. Suhaib, An Introduction to the Science of Hadith,London,
7.Salih, Muhammad Adeeb, Lamahat fee Usul
8.Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubayr, Hadith Literature: its Origin, Development & Special Features, Cambridge, Islamic Texts Society, 1993.
Course Title: Interoduction to Political Thoughts |
Course Code: URIS – 3504 |
Credit Hours: 1 (one) C.H. |
Contact Hours: 1 (one) C.H. (per |
week) |
1- To teach the students the basic information about the Political System of Islam.
2- To enlighten them with the essential knowledge of performing the duty of vicegerency (Khilafah) assigned by Allah Himself in this world.
3- To make them acquainted with the procedure and system of social justice of Islam.
4- To encourage them to build a corruption and crime free society on the basis of Qur‟anic teachings.
Course Outlines:
Islamic Political System:[Meaning, Importance and Principles]
Manmade Law]
Islamic State: [Concept of Islamic State, Differences between Islamic and |
Secular State, |
Necessity of Islamic State, Main Organs of Islamic State, Principles of |
Islamic State] |
The Executive (Head of the state): [Conception, Qualifications, How to |
Select a Head of the State, Factions of the Executive]. |
Legislative |
The Judiciary |
Implementation, Types of Punishment] |
Citizenship (Nationality): [Meaning, Types, Rights] |
Hisbah [Meaning, Importance, Objectives, Functions and Selection of |
Mushtasib]. |
Book References:
1.Matin, Abdur Rashid and Sirajul Islam, Political Science: An Islamic Perspective.
2.Ansari, Jalal, Introduction to the Systems of Islam, London,
4.Avãyi inxg gynv¤§`,Avj‡KviAv‡b ivóª I miKvi|
5.Hasan, Prof. Masudul, Reconstruction of Political Thought in Islam, Islam Publications (Pvt.) Limited, Lahore, Pakistan, 1988.
7.Asad, Mohammad, Basic principles of state and Government in Islam (California; Southern California University Press, evsjvq Abyev` Aa¨vcK kv‡n` Avjx, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb|
8.Watt, Montgomery, The Majesty That was ISLAM.
9.Taymiah, Ibni Public Duties in Islam, Mokhter Holland translated.
10.Ali, Sk. Ansar, Islamic Legal System.
11.Matin, Abdur Rashid and Sirajul Islam, Introduction to Political Science.
12.Sherwani, H.K. Studies in Muslim Political Thought and Administration, Muhammad Ashraf, 1945, Lahore.
Course Title: Biography of the Prophet (SAAS.) |
Course Code: URIS – 3607 |
Credit Hours: 01 (one) C.H. |
Contact Hours: 01 (one) C.H. (per week) |
Objective: This course aims to achieve the following objectives:
To develop a clear understanding of the Prophet‟s mission and teaching amongst the students and equipped them with the knowledge about our beloved Prophet (SAAS.).
To bring home the understanding to the students that the Prophet (SAAS.) is the last and final Messenger of Allah (SWT) among all the other Prophets of Allah and therefore,
Prophet‟s teaching is the sole guidance as to be followed by the entire mankind.
To activate the students to know the meaning and significance of the Prophethood of the Prophet (SAAS.) so that the learners can better be able to examine their own position in the touchstone of the teachings of the Noble Prophet (SAAS.).
Course outlines:
Section 0A:
The Prophet from the birth to the Prophethood: Birth and Childhood, Business trip to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib, Battle of Fujjar and
Birth and Childhood, Business trip to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib. Teenager, Battle of Fujjar, Hilful Fudul, Shephardhood.
Youthhood, Contribution of Muhammad (SAAS.) in the business of Khadijah. Marriage of Muhammad (SAAS.) with Khadijah. Rebuilding of
Prophet (SAAS.) at Makkah: (From first revelation to the emigration to
Abyssinia): Prophethood, First revelation and its impact.
Propagation of Islam Begins in secret, The early Muslims, End of the First Phase. Islamic Movement becomes public, The Prophet on the Mount of Safa. Oppositions from the Quraysh Begin, Qur‟anic approach towards Quraysh Oppositions.
Migration to Abyssinia.
Section- B: (Final Examination: 50 Marks)
Boycott and Confinement of the Prophet (SAAS.) and Banu Hashim by the Quraish, The Year of sorrow.
Construction of the Mosque, The Charter of Madinah, Important Battles till the agreement of Hudaybiyah- The Battle of Badr, The Battle of Uhud, Battle of Ahzab, Campaigns against the Jews of Madinah, Hudaybiyah Agreement.
Book References:
1.Nadwi, Saiyid Sulaiman, Muhammad The Ideal Prophet: A Historical, Practical, Perfect Model for Humanity. Translated by Mohiuddin Ahmad. Islamic Book Trust K.L.N.D.
2.Abbott, Nabia. Aishah: The Beloved of Mohammad. London:
3.Andrae, Tor. Mohammed: The Man and His Faith. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1936.
4.Armstrong, Karen. Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet. San Francisco, CA:
5.Asad, Muhammad. The Message of the Quran. Gibraltar: Dar
6.Forward, Martin. Muhammad: A Short Biography. Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 1997.
7.Guillaume, Alfred. The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq‟s Sirat Rasul
Allah. London: Oxford University Press, 1955.
8.Kahn, Muhammad Zafrulla. Muhammad, Seal of the Prophets. New York: Viking Press, 981.
9.Lings, Martin. Muhammad: his life based on the earliest sources. New York: Inner Traditions International, 1983.
10.Motzki, Harald, ed. The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of the Sources. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000.
11.Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Muhammad: Man of God. Chicago, IL: Kazi Publ., 1995.
12.Ramadan, Tariq. In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
13.Robinson, Neal. The Sayings of Muhammad. London: Duckworth, 1991.
14.Rodinson, Maxime. Muhammad. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980 ed.
15.Rubin, Uri. The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early
Muslims. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1995.
16.Rubin, Uri, ed. The Life of Muhammad. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998.
17.Warraq, Ibn, ed. The Quest for the Historical Muhammad. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2000.
18.Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1953.
19.Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Medina. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1956.
20.Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Course Title: History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution to |
Course Code: URIH – 4701 |
world civilization (Up to 1258 A. D. |
Credit Hours: 1 (one) C.H. |
Contact Hours: 1 (one) C.H. |
Objectives of this course:
The course is aimed at achieving the following objectives:
1.To create awareness among the students about the history of Khilafah and its glorious contribution towards the development of administration, society, advancement of civilization and education.
2.This course also aims at making the students acquainted with the glorious contribution of the Pious Caliphs and their successors towards the development of just administration, advancement of civilization and education and their great services towards humanity at large.
3.To make the students conscious about the Muslim contribution towards different fields of world civilization in the medieval age
Course outlines:
Section 01:
Umar (R) - the model of administration and great conqueror of Islamic empire, Conquest during his Khilafah,
Usman (R) - compilation of Qur‟an and his other achievements, Causes of revolt, assassination of Usman (R) and its effects on the history ,
Ali (R) - civil wars during his time and his other achievements.
Section 02: (Final Examination: 50 Marks)
Conquest and expansion of Islamic empire under Walid bin Abdul Malik, Umar bin Abdul Aziz and his Administration Policies,
g)Art and literature.
Book References:
1.Hitti, P.K., History of the Arabs, Macmillan edition, 1970, London.
2.S.A.Q. Hussaini, The Arab Administration, 1956, Lahore.
3.Ali, Syeed Ameer, A Short History of Saracens, Macmillan edition, 1916, London.
4.T.I. Arnold, The Caliphate, Oxford, 1924, London.
5.Ali, Muhammad, The Early Caliphate, Cambridge, 1936, London.
6.Muir, W., Caliphate, Its Rise, Decline and fall, Edinburg, 1934.
7.B, Lewis, & P.M. Holt(ed.), Cambridge History of Islam, 1947.